Aiming to be the nexus of cybersecurity
In cybersecurity, collecting a huge amount of data related to cyberattacks and developing human resources and technologies to analyze data and implement appropriate measures are essential. However, many organizations in Japan have adopted and operated foreign security technologies, and the inability to accumulate know-how and knowledge related to core technologies has stagnated research and development, resulting in a stagnant cyber self-sufficiency rate.
From the viewpoint of strengthening international competitiveness in this field and avoiding or getting rid of excessive overseas dependence on security technologies that support services provided by government agencies and critical infrastructure providers, it is necessary to have an environment that enables domestic generation, accumulation, and provision of cybersecurity information. NICT has been collecting cyberattack data on a large scale through the Cybersecurity Laboratory and conducting various security human resource development programs through the National Cyber Training Center.
The Cybersecurity Nexus (CYNEX) was organized on April 1, 2021 to establish an advanced infrastructure that will serve as a nexus, a nodal point for industry-academia-government, by utilizing these vast amounts of data and human resource development knowledge. CYNEX aims to improve Japan’s cybersecurity response capabilities by collecting, accumulating, analyzing, and providing cybersecurity information domestically and opening up a common infrastructure for developing cybersecurity HR throughout society.

CYNEX Structure: 4 Co-Nexus
CYNEX will promote four sub-projects, “Co-Nexuses,” concurrently.
We will collect and accumulate cybersecurity information by utilizing various observation mechanisms such as NICTER, STARDUST, and WarpDrive. In addition, we will foster a domestic community of analysts to achieve joint analysis.
SharingOperationData provideSOC HR development
We aim to generate and provide domestically produced threat information by cross-analysis of heterogeneous data through collaboration between analysts and machine learning engines. In addition, we will establish an advanced SOC human resource development program and form a SOC human resource development center.
We will introduce a prototype of a domestic security product into NICT’s network environment, conduct functional verification and feedback to the product through long-term operation, and support the creation and diffusion of domestic security products.
To facilitate security personnel training in Japan, we will open up training scenarios and remote training systems to promote security personnel training projects in private sectors and educational institutions.
Contact us
Cybersecurity Nexus, Cybersecurity Research Institute,
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
4-2-1 Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
Cybersecurity Research Institute
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